• This stack is set with the new (May 1, 89) download costs from GEnie BBS. First download a directory from GEnie and get the size (in K) from your list for the desired application(this saves you money already!).
• When you begin this stack you MUST select your downloading options by clicking on "Set Options".
• Select only the Baud Rate that you will utilize. The stack takes care of the rest. This will not need to be reset unless you select a new baud rate.
•"Estimate" button estimates download time only.
-- part contents for card part 3
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About Shareware Fee
• This stack is an inexpensive way to estimate costs for downloading.
• Shareware should be inexpensive as well. We here at Industrial Stax and Magic™ want to provide easy to use stacks that you will want to support. Please register your support by sending $5.00 to:
Christopher A. Faria
Industrial Stax and Magic‚Ñ¢
7920 Millstone Dr, Apt C.
Dallas TX, 75228.
Registered users will receive free updates!
(must include postage and handling).
-- part contents for card part 6
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For a HyperCard‚Ñ¢ catalog of our Stacks which describes 8 disks of HyperCard‚Ñ¢ sounds, "Hoodwinked" -a HyperCard (750+k ) Star Trek adventure, send $5.00 to C. A. Faria, Industrial Stax and Magic‚Ñ¢, 7920 Millstone Apt C, Dallas TX, 75228.